2020, what a freaking year. If you had asked me how I saw my future 6 short months ago, I could have never guessed I would be here; and as for how the next 6 months will go? No clue.
Yeah, this is insane.
I see friends and family all in the same predicament as I am. Lives turned upside down, jobs lost, and plans put on hold. At first, I was going nuts because there’s nothing I can do about the current situation. I felt like I had no control. But then on a morning during a flight from Aguascalientes, Mexico to Dallas, Texas, I did some soul searching.
I sat looking out of my “office” window at 38,000 ft above the earth. The sun started peaking through the overcast cloud layer below, painting the dark blue sky a light pink. I love mornings like these because I get to watch the world wake up, satellites pass overhead, and the sun rises on a new day. It’s peaceful up there. All your worries are miles below you. I’ve heard that when you don’t know what to do in life, you should change your perspective, and this is precisely what happened that flight.
I started thinking about my future, my career, and where exactly I am going. Soon I was going to lose this office view from 38,000 ft, and my heart utterly sank. I went from feeling sad to worried to angry in a spilt second. I had zero control. Then as the different thoughts streamed in, I had a realization.
Do we ever really have complete control of our future?
I was worried about this chapter in my life coming to an end and all the unknowns lying ahead. However, it’s going to happen anyway, I may as well accept it.

The photos were taken as a passenger during a sunrise commute.