August, 2020 | Aviation, Lifestyle
2020, what a freaking year. If you had asked me how I saw my future 6 short months ago, I could have never guessed I would be here; and as for how the next 6 months will go? No clue. Yeah, this is insane. I see friends and family all in the same predicament as I am....
February, 2020 | Featured, Lifestyle
Ever feel like you want to make an impact on Earth, but you’re just one voice? You have a passion for a cause but don’t know where to start. Maybe it’s conservation, human rights, or climate change. You see events that weigh heavy on your heart, but...
October, 2017 | Lifestyle
I have been obsessed with horses since I was old enough to hold a picture book. I never wanted baby dolls or wanted to dress up like a princess, give me toy horses and barns any day. I started riding when I was eight and can honestly say that working with horses has...